Kim Wilde thanks video for success

Date: 7 October 1981
Published in: Dagbladet Snällposten (Sweden)
Written by: Måns Ivarsson

English rising star Kim Wilde, 20, was on a flying visit in Malmo yesterday. She thanks the video explosion for her rapid fame.

– The videos for my first two singles meant a breakthrough for me. They were so well-made that they gave an extra dimension to the music and made me acclaimed throughout Europe.
Kim Wilde is just one of many new young rock and pop artists who realized the importance of well-made videos. She came to Malmö, however, to sing playback on the Lena-Maria show. With her she had little brother Ricky, 19. It is he who, together with his father Marty Wilde writes Kim’s songs. A clean family affair.
– Kim became the star of an event, says Ricky. In September last year, I was recording some original songs and Kim got to be in a corner. But it turned out that she did “Kids in America” much better than me. The single was released in Kim’s name and became a solid success throughout Europe.

Teen Pop

Kim Wilde makes easy listening Teen Pop which is strictly commercial, but the spirit to speak to both burly disc reviewers as the older crowd. She manages to fill the gap between the Sex Pistols and Abba. Anyone who has seen the famous video films know that she oozes sex.
– People have called me a second-class Brigitte Bardot and maybe you can see it as a compliment. I know all the more successful performers partly uses sex aspect. I see nothing wrong in it.
When we meet Kim Wilde on the TV building in Malmo, she wore such tight pants that she could not sit down …
– Many claim that I would be a doll in my father’s and my brother’s hands. It is not like that. In the future I will probably write my songs myself. But for the moment I’m completely happy with what they give me.

It is 42-year-old Marty Wilde, ex rock idol, who writes the lyrics about teenage lust.
– He’s a dirty old man, grinning Kim. No, jokes aside, said there has never been any generation conflict between us. He has the pulse of everything going on today.
Before the breakthrough Kim worked as background vocalist at various cabaret artists.
– I know that I sing well and jar take my job seriously. I also think that is why so many people like my music.
Ricky, producing plates, filosophizes:
– With Kim, we try to avoid getting stuck in one genre. There are so many musicians who freezes at a certain fashion or a certain trend. It is highly dangerous. They die at the same time fashionable. The secret is to constantly change.
Kim Wilde is more than a passing fancy. Sparkling bubblegum pop, okay, but with high quality.