Kim will surely make it

Date: 31 July 1981
Published in: Tros Kompas (Netherlands)
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Kim Wilde, the 20 year old English singer, is a relatively new phenomenon in the pop business. But a promising one, that’s for sure. Within only a month she made two surefire hits: ‘Kids in America’ and ‘Chequered love’. Great tracks, playing in to the current taste of the (mostly young) record buying public. Her first album is mostly thanks to her father Marty and her brother Ricky Wilde. Father and son wrote all of the songs on the album and on top of that the album was produced by Ricky. In short: a family company, which will prove to be fruitful for the Wildes. The record contains ten great tracks, played in reggae style and modern rock. The fame and favourable response, which went before the release of the album, have been met by Kim. She will surely make it.