Passport: Kim Wilde

Date: 1 January 1981
Published in: Joepie (Belgium)
Written by:

Name: Kim Smith
Born: November 18, 1960
Contact address: RAK records, 42-48 Charlbert Street, London NW8 7BU
First love: I only remember bitter tears.
First live performance: A school play of Hansl and Gretel. I played a cat.
Musical influences: Elvis Costello, Presley, Aretha Franklin
Heroes: I don’t believe in putting people on a pedestal.
Vices: I won’t tell.
Hobbies: Listening to records and making records. And drawing.
Most scary experience: When I played ‘Kids in America’ in a humorous show in France. A nightmare.
Worst experience: Looking at the show afterwards.
Ideal home: Somewhere where it’s quiet.
Ideal car: One that always works.
Ideal holiday: Skiing in Sankt Moritz.
Favourite food: Japanese kitchen.
Favourite drink: Rose, fruit juice and lemonade.
Favourite clothes: Everything I get from other people.
Ambition: It changes every week.