Kim Wilde: ‘My children must become as happy as I was’

Date: 1 June 1982
Published in: Popfoto (Netherlands)
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Kim Wilde loves children. She would love to have them later. And how would Kim raise them? You can leave it to her…

A few weeks ago our little country was honoured to host Kim Wilde. For Popfoto it was a great occasion to interview Kim once again. “Towards the end of the summer I hope to start my first European tour”, Kim told us. “Then my Dutch fans can finally see me perform live for the first time! The members of my band have been found already: Chris, Alick, Henri… all three of them fine boys. But it’s not totally sure that it will be my final band! I will first go on holiday to a far away country. Palmtrees, beach, getting a tan… I really look forward to it!” Kim paused for a moment and then continued: “I don’t do many strange things in my free time. When I’m home I often play with my little sister Roxanne. I like to watch television, listen to records, buy a lot of them too, and go out with friends. No, I don’t go out often. I like to spend time with my family. Look”, says Kim while she gets a few photos from her purse, “these are a few photographs from the old days. I am 13 years old here. My parents, my brother Ricky and me used to sing a lot. And on this photo my father teaches Ricky how to play the guitar. He must have been 12 there. And what do you think of this one? Ricky and me as toddlers. Great, isn’t it? Yes, we always got along together. And still do. There are the occasional fights of course, but that’s not unusual. Mostly we have a lot of fun. We always have a good time at home. We still do! Did you know that the whole family helps me with my career? My mother runs my fanclub, arranges concerts and does all the business things. My father and my brother Ricky write and compose my songs. And I sing, do the interviews and press, radio and television. My sister Roxanne and my 6 year old brother Marty are too young to help out. But they do always listen to my records!” Kim is silent for a minute, then concludes: “I would love to have children of my own and I hope that they will be as happy as I am.”