Kim Wilde on the teenage summits: Youngster-mass and baby-brawl

Date: 14 September 1982
Published in: Ekstra Bladet (Denmark)
Written by: Rud Kofoed

[Translated for Wilde Life by Tim Nielsen]

While the ‘old’ steered their way towards Genesis in the Brøndby Hall we covered the beginning baldness and followed the very young to youngster-mass and baby-brawl in the Falkonér Theatre. It was howling wonderful.
Kim Wilde, 21, didn’t get to sing many songs before the audience jumped up from their seats jubilant and sang along. They knew the entire repertoire from Kim Wilde’s two LP’s which have sold no less than 110,000 here in Denmark. Plus 45,000 singles.

Many thanks and a thousand thanks shouted Kim Wilde who at home in England is called the Rocks answer to Brigitte Bardot. That’s a good ‘old-mans-line’. Her fans will hardly know the aging film-lady.
Kim Wilde couldn’t have wished for a more enthusiastic and grateful audience than the 1500-1600 who swallowed her in the Falkonér to a ticketprice of around 150 kr. The average age was probably not more than 15-16 years. The toothbraces shone in the spotlights.

He said everything is allright….

Fed up with Slagelse

Kim Wilde was installed in the charts a long time ago, but on the stage she’s brand new – and funnier than on the records. The Falkonerconcert is only her 4th. She had her debut on friday night in Slagelse – with whole-pages in the big english newspapers as consequence. Right away they send correspondents out to cover the new superstars stage debut. Slagelse is now becoming worldfamous in the same instant.

The town is worse than Bognor (in England). People go to bed with the sun and the towns only restaurant closes it’s doors shortly after 21, writes Daily Express about ‘A walk on the wild side’

Wild and wonderful, writes jubilant Daily Mirror.

Wilde Wauh

And Kim Wilde – I can’t say what I feel….I can’t get over this. The reactions, wow, I could go on, says Kim Wilde, convinced that her life won’t be the same again after she now has got taste for the stage.

Young and untried as she is, one could hardly expect more than one got. The show ran for an hour and 15 minutes (that’s all there’s repertoire for) and has been handled professionally. With respect to content one doesn’t get his brain dislocated. It’s light and airy poprock. The lust for that is [for the writer] approximately the same as to go into Tivoli and have a large cotton-candy.
Surely is Kim Wilde still a bit stiff in the choreography department, but she has learned to use her tight-black bottom as one of the instruments. The one with the towel and the sucking-bottle she has taken in too.
Kim is mighty good with her young audience. Even though she became well nervous as one jumped up on the stage. With her not too big but effective voice she drove the show to the teenage-summits with 2-6-5-8-0 refrain and ‘Kids in America’. There she should have finished instead of repeating the first song.
The sound was hearing-damagingly loud. But the hydrogenated blonde managed to create an atmosphere even higher. – She was so good, where was it we parked the car, joked a group of overenthusiastic boys on hardly more than 13. They quieted down in the bus queue.
Youngsters and devotion is not the worst you can experience in a concerthall.