Date: 17 March 1983
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
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It’s finally happening. During the surprise of the Silver Otto which Kim received in the London RAK studio the singer with the blonde manes revealed the mystery of the German live premiere.
“I will surely come to Europe in April. Most of the concerts will be in Germany, and I look forward to finally show myself live to my fans.”
Kim and her two Wilde men, father Marty and brother Ricky, wanted to be very sure that the Kim Wilde Show on stage would become a great success, that’s why the dates were postponed time after time. “After the test concerts in Denmark and the English tour I needed a break first”, says Kim to the Bravo reporter. “In the beginning not everything went well. During my first concerts for instance I sang so loud, that I overloaded my monitors and I couldn’t hear my musicians anymore. Also with the continuous travelling and the unhealthy food I became really ill.”
To prevent this from happening again and to let Kim overcome her fear of touring, a pause until April was scheduled. After her new single, which Kim has just recorded with her band in the RAK studios, there will be rehearsals for the new tour in Germany.
Again and again Kim looks at the videos from the English tour, looks at herself critically and changes her movements during the rehearsals.
Against her own instincts she is also training and dieting, doing Aerobics and jogging, to get to grips with her stage fright. “The mental stress duing the English tour, when I used to have cramps backstage, I want to overcome. I want to be stronger and more selfconfident.”
Whatever happens, this will be the first time that Kim’s new love, Gary Barnacle, the saxophone player of her band, will be in the limelight in our country. If Kim has her way, there will be no photographs of them together in the press, she has forbidden her record company to publish them. When she is asked about this, Kim only says: “My private life should be taboo for the press. Like every other person I have a right to pull back and to stay silent about this.”