Kim shows her Wilde side

Date: 29 July 1983
Published in: Daily Express (UK)
Written by: David Wigg

This is the picture that proves singer Kim Wilde has a new image – for it shows her revealing her legs. Gone is that casual, somewhat unkempt image, with legs modestly covered in jeans.

Instead the 22-year-old daughter of former pop star Marty Wilde is wearing a black mini-skirt and white blouse she bought at Oxfam. The change of image, she said yesterday, is all about feeling happier with herself.


“When I started my recording career two years ago I was very self-conscious and it wasn’t natural being photographed how some photographers wanted me”, she said. “But now I’m happy that I’ve been accepted for my music and I feel I can be more myself.”

That means feeling free to wear skirts like this – something she would not have done a year ago. “I feel more a liberated lady”, she said. “Many people would think this would mean taking the skirts off and wearing trousers – but for me it’s the other way round.”


Kim has come up with a new record as well as a new image – and it entered the charts at No. 41 in the first week. The song, Love Blonde, was written by her father and her brother Rick.

To complete her new approach to life, Kim has bought herself a flat in North West London. She has got a steady boyfriend, too – Gary Barnacle, who plays saxophone in her band.