Kim Wilde: for her new song she presents herself half-naked

Date: 7 July 1983
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
Written by: H.J. Riemann

‘Love blonde’, the new single by Kim Wilde, has to be heard twice. I slightly decadent-sounding piece with clarinets, which makes the heart of the listener go pounding faster. But it’s not just the sound that makes the fans go wild. Looking at the outfit, with which she presents ‘Love blonde’ in ‘Formel 1’ in the middle of August and in ‘Bananas’ on September 6, people may have to catch their breaths.
Black is still Kim’s preferred colour, but she appears in a dress that draws the looks towards it like a magnet. Beautiful leather, a bare back, Kim’s rounder forms only barely concealed by the clothing.
When she moves around in the studio, the cameramen have to be careful not to shoot from the wrong angle. Kim didn’t seem too happy with the dress. The looks that she was getting all the time seemed to get on her nerves. Everytime when she bended a little the small leather strip on her shoulder gave way to reveal the very thing she wanted to conceal. Kim had waived a bra.
When the cameras weren’t rolling, Kim waited in a corner near her boyfriend Gary Barnacle, arms before her so as to hold her dress steady. In the end, she regained her sense of humour and even laughed when she heared the warning ‘Tit!’-screams from her female manager, when she was moving around with her hips too much again.
Kim was only really happy after the show was recorded. Seconds after the end of the recording, she put on a white summer dress and moved around freely.
Right now Kim is working hard. She recharged her battery during a skiing holiay in Switzerland and a summer holiday in the Carribean. Right now she is in the studio with her brother Ricky, working on a new album. When that is done, she will appear in more TV shows and then a European tour follows…