The secret romance of Kim Wilde

Date: 16 January 1983
Published in: Hitkrant (Netherlands), Joepie (Belgium)
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When Kim was on tour a couple of months ago, we asked her what she was longing for the most. “Vacation”, she said sighing. “Skiing in Montreux or getting a tan in the sun on the Seychelles”. It turned out to be neither, as Kim went to a well-deserved holiday on the caribbean.

Star in Bolivia

Kim didn’t leave on her own. As she said then, she would go with a few of her best friends. What she didn’t sya was that one of these friends was more than just that. She has succeeded so far in keeping a romance silent, but of course, things like that don’t stay a secret for ever. Kim didn’t say anything about it on the airport.
“My private life is too important for me”, she said, but someone from her circle of friends did offer an explanation after all.
“Kim and Gary Barnacle have been more than friends for a couple of months now”, we heard. “They got to know one another when Gary turned up as a session artist for Kims album, but the romance really started when he went to tour with Kim. Kim wanted him to, even though he only plays in a couple of songs. But what would you expect? Gary is a great musician and he has stolen the show many times during the tour. Both him and Kim are crazy about music. Thay have a lot of interests in common. Kims name has been mentioned with many others in the music world, but this is really different. Kim is a very serious girl. When she has gone through all this trouble to keep her romance with Gary secret even during the tour, that has a reason. It must be real love between the two.
On the photograph you can see Gary with his saxophone. For most people he must be unknown, but when you hear a sax on any British record of the last few years, chances are that it’s his. The musician from Dover was asked for records of Visage, Level 42, The Teardrop Explodes and of course Kim herself. He’s also got a band, Leisure Process. Their only single “Love Cascade” didn’t do much, but in one country Gary is more known that Kim Wilde. With Leisure Process he’s in the top three of… Bolivia.