Kim Wilde: Indiscreet questionnaire

Date: 17 May 1984
Published in: Boys et Girls (France)
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Kim Wilde loves France a lot, and she regularly proves it to us while coming to appear on our small screens. We had the pleasure to see her again to sing her most recent hit “Dancing in the dark”. Kim has also taken time to reply to our indiscreet questionnaire.

Date of birth: November 18, 1960
Where were you born? In London
First name of mother: Joyce
First name of fathe”: Marty
Do you have siblings? 2 brothers and 1 sister
What study did you follow? I went to highschool until I was 18 and then I spent two years in Art College.
What job would you have liked to do if you hadn’t gotten into singing? Home decoration
Which is according to you your worst flaw? I am very possessive. Maybe too much!
And your best quality? I am lucid, I know about my faults.
Have you had an unhappy love affair? Oh yes.
What is your starsign? Scorpio.
What is your favourite meal? I love eating. I have a passion for French food!
Do you believe in a God? Not in a traditional way. I have my own interpretation of God. I speak to it about me.
Do you believe in astrology? I wonder about it. In fact it frightens me a little, so I keep my distances with this kind of trick.
Do you have a passion? Aerobics…
Where do you go to on holiday?
In the summer I go to the beach whenever possible, but every year I go skiing in the Alps.
Which singers do you like? Julie London, Dusty Springfield and Lou Reed.
Do you love being famous? Most of the time I do. I am grateful to people to be there where I am.
Do you like cooking?Yes, but unfortunately I don’t have much time to cook. But I love doing it for my friends.
What do you like to read?
I love reading about my work. To know about recent developments.
What qualities do you appreciate in others? Honesty. Integrity and of course humour!
Are you jealous? Yes, very.
Sentimental? Also.
Do you love animals? I love animals, but I can’t have them because of my work.
What actors do you like? Robert de Niro and Bette Davis.
When did you start singing? When I was 20.
Do you love going to the cinema?I do love that and I will do it someday.
Are you aware of fashion? Not at all. It is a lack of personality to copy others.
What is your preferred perfume? ‘Calandre’ de Paco Rabane.
Do you wear jeans? Yes, Levi’s.
Where you a disciplined child in school? I was a good average.
Would you want to get married? Someday maybe… But surely not right now.
And having children? I would love to and I do have all intentions to have them.
At what age did you have your first love? When I was really young… 8 or 9 years!
Do you play an instrument? Yes, the piano.
Do you drive a car? Yes, my car is a BMW.
What style of clothing do you love? I love black and leather. Good waistbands and t-shirts.
What flaw do you dislike the most? People who can’t listen exasperate me!
Finally, what is the address of your fanclub? PO Box 202 – Welwyn Garden City – Herts, England.
Thank you Kim and see you soon.