Kim Wilde: One night stand

Date: 1 January 1984
Published in: Music Man (Austria)
Written by: Georg Adler

Kim Wilde sees her live concerts as a one night stand with her audience. ‘You don’t know in advance whether it will be a success, but still you look forward to it’. Well, in Vienna the one night stand was a success, even when the audience was a bit smaller than expected. But: ‘When the first time is good, the second time those who stayed at home will come too.’

Confidence is one of the most striking features of Kim Wilde, next to her sexy appearance and her great voice. That’s why she has no stage fright before her concerts, rather goes on stage quite relaxed: ‘If you want to prove something, that’s no good’, she says loosely. And she has no problem admitting she knows nothing about Vienna. When you ask her colleagues what they know about Vienna, they dig up facts from the school books from the back of their minds, but Kim simply says: ‘I didn’t even learn anything about it in school’. You can make it pay when you have sucked in show business with mother’s milk and can be relaxed about things.

For the Scorpio born on November 18, 1960 at Chiswick Maternity Hospital with the seductive chassis music means everything. It’s no wonder, that music is the core of her liaison on stage: her chosen one Gary Barnacle is the saxophone player in her band. Kim flirts a little with the medium film, but only mildly, because: ‘It has to be a very good project, because I wouldn’t want to work six months of my life on a second rate movie or some cliché rock and roll comics. I would love to play in a black comedy though.’