Kim Wilde stood up ‘Dynasty’ Jeff!

Date: 9 May 1984
Published in: Pop/Rocky (Germany)
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Could you imagine this: rock-lady Kim Wilde trying out for actress for the first time! As her partner John James – who plays Jeff in the hit series Dynasty – is by her side! Cinema fans would have been thrilled throughout the land, to see the new movie dream couple. They would have, because the sensation doesn’t happen after all. Kim Wilde has stood up John James!

‘I have talked about it at length’, Kim says about her cancellation, ‘but I came to the conclusion that I need to stay with my own craft, the music. There are already too many rockstars who have failed as an actor. I need not lengthen that list.’

Pop/Rocky thinks she is right. Indeed besides David Bowie few rock stars have had a real success in the cinemas.

John James is a bit upset about Kim’s cancellation. ‘Of course I would have loved to make the movie with Kim. But I have to take no for an answer!’ The movie will be made, nonetheless. John James plays the instructor on a surfing school. The comedy called ‘Brett vorm Kopf’ * will also star the son of Udo Jürgens, Johnny, Wolfgang Fierek and Conny Dachs. It will arrive in cinemas in early 1985!

  * Note from the translator: German title; this movie probably never happened after all.