Date: 1 January 1984
Published in: [unknown] (France)
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Kim Wilde is cute to chew. Like a forbidden fruit. Of course, she does not really respond to the feminine beauty canons published each month (and on glossy paper) by ‘Elle’, ‘Marie-Claire’, ‘Glamor’ and their substitutes around the world. A little too voloptuous no doubt. So much the better, the resemblance with Marilyn Monroe only becomes more striking from month to month …
Kim Wilde exudes a beauty simple, ingenuous, almost country and terribly natural, if it was not this hair discolored in blond (ash) that she persists in cleverly bubbling. Kim Wilde likes to play with fire. It is transformed into a brilliant and ardent fire – sometimes also flickering – to illuminate the dull purring of the charts. Kim loves the heat of a brazier quite simply.
“Open fires are hypnotizing me literally. It’s impossible to look away,” she says confidently. “And then, this wonderful smell of resin…” A few logs petillent in the hearth of the dark bar of the Holiday Inn Luxembourg. An angel passes … Kim keeps his eyes fixed on an illusory flame that swirls and escapes by the chimney. To die of cold.
The first time I caught sight of Kim Wilde by chance – at an impersonal signing session at Virgin Megastore in July ’81 – his fragile and diaphanous beauty, his awkwardly hidden timidity, had already seduced me. I only knew the single Kids In America. But as magnetized, I bought his first album, simply titled ‘Kim Wilde’. It always rests in my discotheque between the double ‘The Story Of The Who’ and ‘Select’. I hardly dare to listen, for fear of breaking the charm of a fleeting moment.
The characters of the fatal woman she creates (or more exactly that one makes for her) are only facades behind which one discovers the real Kim Wilde who hides chilly. Timidly.
Love Blonde only represents an ironic wink that demolishes a stereotyped image more than it satisfies certain unavowable fantasies. The survivor of The Second Time appears as an image of Epinal rather hilarious. These needle heels on the cover of the single are absolutely in-belie-va-ble!! Humour voluntary or not? Kim Wilde has sufficiently assumed the role of “sexy young blonde” whom your cherished dad would like to dispose as secretary (private) or as mistress avenante and submissive. So much the worse for Daddy Marty and brother Ricky, Kim Wilde becomes an adult … That’s why “Teases and Dares” must, above all, be considered a new start still stammering.
“It’s part of getting older, you always want more of yourself, music.” On “Teases And Dares” I was directly involved in the writing of three tracks (Fit In, Shangri-La and Thought It Was Goodbye). I am very proud of it, even if the result is far from perfect. I plan to work a lot in 1985 to improve and enrich my way of writing. The reason I started singing is crystal clear. I wanted to become a famous pop singer. It happened immediately, almost too quickly. Now I’m looking for something more rewarding. “
Can we draw a parallel between the fact that you left the family house and these first songs signed by your pen? You talked about it for so long …
“Absolutely, sometimes you have to distance yourself from a situation that involves you too deeply.” There are so many potential tensions at home, especially since the birth of my two younger brothers and sisters in the last five years. Was not on tour or in the studio, I spent my days playing with them, talking about everything and nothing with Mom or making endless visits to my friends … It’s a beautiful life, but I I was looking for a large apartment in London, where the first piece of furniture was a piano. “
On “Teases And Dares”, Kim Wilde, the Bladerunner of pop music, even offers us a rockabilly worthy of the Stray Cats (Rage To Love) and some delightfully sixties songs (Janine and Shangri-La). The best song (Thought It Was Goodbye) is signed jointly by Father, Brother and Sister. An infinitely promising omen for the future …
![[unknown] (France), 1984](