Fan terror for Kim

Date: 30 October 1986
Published in: Daily Mirror (UK)
Written by: Gill Pringle

Beautiful Kim Wilde has become a virtual prisoner in her home following a sinister threat from a fan.

Kim has been pestered by the same fan for four years, says her manager, who now ensures Kim’s safety by insisting she goes everywhere with a bodyguard. “At first he was just a nuisance, but he turned bitter and angry after some artwork he submitted to Kim for her new album cover was rejected”, says a spokesman for the singer. “That was when the nasty letters started to arrive, making all kinds of obscene threats.”

Police were called after thef an was found lurking in bushes outside Kim’s North London home, although the threatening letters have still continued to arrive.

When Kim appears on Top of the Pops today singing her smash hit ‘You Keep Me Hangin’ On’, there will be heavy security backstage. “We won’t be taking any risks. He may just be a loony, but we can’t be too sure”, adds her spokesman.