Guarded moment for Kim

Date: 27 December 1986
Published in: Truth (Australia)
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Sultry songbird Kim Wilde hired two bodyguards to protect her from amorous fans during a whirlwind Australian visit.

The huge hulks accompanied Kim, 25, throughout her tour after WEA Records received a spate of bizarre phone calls. One fan, who gave his name as Mr X-Cite, repeatedly called WEA in West Melbourne with suggestive offers. He told WEA staff he wanted to take Kim to candlelit dinners and also out on the town. Other male, and even female fans, were more explicit. Some made blatant sexual offers to the beautiful daughter of sixties rocker Marty Wilde.

A shocked WEA staffer said: ‘We had no real option but to hire minders for Kim. Some of the callers seemed desperate to get to Kim. When se wenttto Brash’s in Elizabeth Street we smuggled her in the back way. Kim then left with her minders by the same entrance. Everyone was sworn to secrecy about where Kim was staying. She’s a real professional and took it in her stride. She was overwhelmed by the response at Brash’s.’

Ms Wilde, who is here to promote her new album ‘Another step’ and hit single ‘You keep me hangin’ on’, leaves Australia on Christmas Eve. Kim returns to London to spend the break with famous father Marty and family including musician-songwriter brother Ricki. The singer hopes to do a concert tour of Australia next year.