Date: 1 January 1986
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
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Asking for Kim Wilde in the big apartment complex, is totally useless. The porter looks blank at you. “Oh, you mean miss Smith?” he asks after a long pause for thinking. “Yes, she lives behind the first door on your right.”
When Kim opens her door, you stand in a beautiful living room, which is at least 80 years old, with stucco ceilings, comfortable seats and couches, a beautiful, hand painted fire-place, which she bought in Camden Town, and a dinner table made of pinewood. A large window gives a view to the street.
The apartment complex was built at the turn of the century, and Kim had searched for a long time until she found what she was looking for. She likes to have old furniture around her in the house.
She had her bathroom newly made, but it stayed in its original style. It still looks authentic, with old messing taps and a shower that could have made in the previous century. It seems that the time has stood still, but everything works perfectly.
She painted her bedroom blue herself and the messing bed was the first piece of furniture she bought for herself three years ago, after moving in. She found it in her favourite neighbourhood, Camden Town. The apartment isn’t far away from her old record company, Rak, is on walking distance from Regents Park and the world famous Beatles studio Abbey Road.
In her music room Kim has a big rail which she hangs her clothings on. There are also two beds where her colleagues sleep on when it gets late. There are also keyboards, drums, synthesizers and everything she needs to record demos on.
In the living room she has an old black piano, on which she often doodles. “It usually takes a long time before I’ve found the right melody”, she explains.
She loves to have her friends around and then she cooks for them. Then everything is served on a large table with stools around it.
Cooking may not be Kim’s strongest point, but she uses recipes which she takes from magazines. “Somehow I always manage to make something vegetarian which is edible”. Kim is only hoping for one thing right now; that her single and LP are received well, that the tour in Germany and France will be a success. Then she will also take on England…