Date: 1 July 1986
Published in: Pop/Rocky (Germany)
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For a long time it was eerily silent around the blonde rock girl Kim Wilde! But Kim was very busy since her Teases And Dares tour. During the last few months she wrote songs non-stop, and she can hardly wait to please her fans with her next LP. She already gave us a small taster with the super song ‘School Girl’!
Kim: “I love Paris!”
After the hard work recording the album, Kim will set up camp in Paris in the beginning of August to get new energy. But even on holiday she won’t have too much time off. She will also try and learn the French language. Kim: “It would be great if I could visit a language course while I’m in France. But I think I will simply live life and have fun. I will learn the language while doing my groceries and speaking with people on the streets.”
Kim, who has spent time in France in the past, already has some basic knowledge: “When I am with french people, I am quickly at ease with their language. It’s also the reason why I go to Paris all alone. I have exchanged my apartment in London with a friend who has an apartment in Paris, and so it’s a very cheap adventure.”
To live in Paris for good is not an option for Kim, however: “I couldn’t live anywhere where I couldn’t have my friends and family near me.” The fact that Kim has a strong bond with her family is no secret anymore. With her father Marty – himself a famous English musician – and her brother Ricky she has a strong musical alliance. Also on her new album, which will be released in September ’86, they will be there too: “I have recorded five songs, three in Los Angeles and two in London with Ricky as my producer. My father has worked on the new single ‘Schoolgirl’ and on most of the other songs. The biggest part of the work however was done by my guitarist Steve Byrd.”
Kim Wilde visited Prince!
For Kim her visit to Los Angeles was her first stop in America. “It was great! The studio was very close to the famous Sunset Boulevard, a part of the city where a lot is happening! It was a lot of fun, especially since my father and brother were also there. We went to concerts by Sheila E., James Brown and Prince! Prince is one of my biggest favourites. I remember that his hit song “Kiss” was released in America. It was really refreshing, because it’s very different from all the other songs in the chart. The song is not over produced, like most of the new stuff. I have some problems with thta on my new work, because my music sounds a bit to ‘clean’ sometimes. I miss the natural, slightly live sound. I am however there to steer things towards the right direction.”
At the end of September it will happen, then the new album will be in the record shops. Kim: “I really hope, that we can manage to get it out at that time, because over the last few months I was still very busy. I have also recorded a song for the movie soundtrack of ‘Running Scared’, a comedy film à la “Beverly Hills Cop”. The song has turned out so well, that the American record company are choosing it as a single instead of “Schoolgirl”.
Kim comes to Germany!
During her visit to the Pop/Rocky photo studio in Munich the beautiful singer had one final surprise in store: “I think I will come to Germany in November 1986 for a tour.” Her brother Ricky won’t be there this time around, as he has become a proud father a few months ago and will use the time to take care of his family!