Kim Wilde low budget but noisy

Date: 4 December 1986
Published in: Het Nieuwsblad De Gentenaar (Belgium)
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Although she claims that she is okay after a lesser period Kim Wilde doesn’t give the impression during her European tour that she is happy. Her movements are a little too cramped and the band that supports her is much too loud. On Tuesday night she played at Hof Ter Lo in Borgerhout before over 600 people.

The tour is a low budget affair: the light show is modest and aside from some slide projections there are no stage effects in use. It isn’t necessary in this case, because Kim Wilde’s songs are so strong that visual elements become superfluous: the show is opened with ‘View from a Bridge’, rocker ‘Love Blonde’ is combined with Peggy Lee’s ‘Fever’, ‘Cambodia’ and ‘Kids in America’ are the predictable but indestructible endings and ‘Chequered love’ and the current hit ‘You keep me hanging on’ are excellent encores.

The band accompanying Kim Wilde during this tour is bound to consist of great musicians, but it’s a mystery to us why the men feel they have to build a wall of sound, especially when Kim Wilde has to do violence to her own otherwise beautiful voice to overcome the noise.