Date: 14 November 1986
Published in: Le Nouvelliste (Switzerland)
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In four days, pretty Kim Wilde will be celebrating his 26th birthday. Even though it is unpolite to reveal the age of a lady, in this case it is tolerated to
do it. Because, you see, the blonde Englishwoman has already behind her an interesting career that started 5 years ago when her hit “Kids in America” sold several millions of copies.
Today she presents us her fifth album, L.P. punctuated by the release of 13 singles and as many hits. “Another Step” – title of this disc – raises, on its first face, of the purest contemporary pop music and a music that any self-respecting Disc Jockey offers to its customers. The second side, she seems to get closer still personality even from Kim Wilde: softer, more heartfelt, with ballads that they have produced by itself and naturally fully composed.
After a few weeks of rest spent in the south of France, Kim Wilde is back on the road European stages. She will cross thus, between November and December, nine countries and dozens of cities.
So, in the process, she will do stopover in Lausanne on November 24, more precisely at the Halle des Fêtes of Beaulieu. In this circumstance, we reserve for you, once plus, a little treat. To discover below…