Kim Wilde and Anthony Delon, a new couple?

Date: 4 October 1987
Published in: Yes (Netherlands)
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Once upon a time there was a pop music competition for debuting bands. For quality’s sake there were also some famous guests, like Nick Kamen and Kim Wilde. Several celebrities presented the show, one of them being Anthony Delon, one of the most handsome men in the western hemisphere. And suddenly the blonde singer Kim Wilde and beauty boy Anthony Delon had found eachother. During her performance the dark son of French actor Alain Delon sat on the front row. And a couple of hours later they both danced until 5 am in “9½”, the local discotheque named after the movie 9½ weeks (with Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger). The next day they were possibly slightly hungover looking their amazing selves again at the beach.
If this would work out… we would have another beautiful duo in show business!