Date: 29 January 1987
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
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Kim Wilde is frustrated: an unknown sadist is terrorising her since some time daily with obscene phonecalls and even threats. He found out the secret telephone number of her house in St. John’s Wood, which Kim has given to only a select few. Also he goes – like he said on the telephone – to all her concerts. Even to Australia he wants to travel in her wake, to finally be alone with her.
“Obviously a lunatic”, says Kim shocked. She acknowledges that she has never seen the face of this man, nor does she recognise his voice.
It is obvious that he has found out many intimate details about her: he collects every photograph of her, and has even got some worn clothing from her. Kim only knows this while he described them in detail on the phone.
She doesn’t want to be in her cosy apartment much anymore because of all this. She is afraid of the phonecalls and is hoping for a new secret telephone number. Someone from her record company thinks that it is a graphic artist who had sent in a layout for the sleeve of her latest album, which was deemed unusable. Maybe he reacts so angrily because of this.
Despite the fear Kim is still the professional she always was. After her tour in Europe she gave two more successful concerts in England. One in the London ‘Town and Country Club’ shortly before Christmas and another one at the Golddiggers Club in Chippenham (Gloucestershire) on New Year’s Eve. She played all night with her band and invited her family and friends for this. After the concert, that was broadcast live by the “Old Grey Whistle Test”, she had a wild party until the early morning.
Then she went back to her apartment for one day, to pack up her trunk for a short skiing holiday in the French Alps together with her closest friends. Whether the new French boyfriend, whose name she isn’t telling to anyone, was there too, she didn’t tell…