Kim’s set for Wilde days in the country

Date: 9 November 1987
Published in: [unknown] (UK)
Written by: Jim Gallagher

Pop star Kim Wilde, above, is planning a luxury new home – in a £200,000 sixteenth century barn.

The 26-year-old singer fell in love with the timber-framed storehouse near Welwyn, Hertfordshire, as soon as she saw it. Now she will have to spend another £200,000 converting the 40 foot building into a two or three storey home. Kim, who was brought up in Hertfordshire in the mansion of her father Marty, a former singer, made an appointment to see the property in the name of Miss Smith.


“I love this place – I want to have it”, she told estate agent Bryan Bishop. Called the Great Barn because of its size, the building comes with three and a half acres of pasture and a pond. It was once owned by King Henry VIII’s surgeon. Mr Bishop said: “She told me she wanted to buy a barn and this was the first one I showed her. She was very excited about it. It will make a lovely home and is not far from their Knebworth studios.”