We went to see the beautiful singer in her new London flat and we asked her a series of questions. The result is an interesting and particularly engaging portrait.
Here we are in the heart of the English capital, in an elegant apartment, to meet Kim Wilde on the occasion of the release of her last 45 rpm, made with Junior. The clip was entirely shot in Paris. Around us some elements to better understand the personality of Kim: a small fireplace (to which our singer admits spending hours), a beautiful piano and a recording studio … requires professionalism.
Kim, tell us about yourself, your childhood
I was born in Chiswick, near London, November 18, 1960, but we soon moved in Hertfordshire. My father, Marty, was very famous in the 50s and 60. My mother was one of Vernon Girls, a trio of dancers-singers. I remember to have had a very happy childhood, although I did not like school very much. In fact, I do not hate, but I only liked the artistic lessons. It is for this reason that, later, I enrolled at the College of Art and Design in St. Albans. And that’s when I dyed my hair for the first time. I was enjoying myself like a crazy, mostly because, until then, my father had imposed me a strict education.
Then you started to sing …
Yes, finally, I chose music and there, my father and my brother Ricky have helped me enormously. Moreover, they continue to do so. They are the ones who write my songs and Ricky plays on each of my records.
A family affair … But would you prefer to write yourself even your songs?
No, actually it’s a bit like it was me who wrote them. My father and my brother know how to express exactly what I feel.
You talked about your brother Ricky, how are your relations with him?
When we were kids, we always arguing, probably like all brothers and sisters of the world. In fact, there is only one year younger than me. And we always agree. This is an adorable boy!
When did you get your first success? Tell us a bit about your musical career.
In January 1981, ‘Kids in America’ has sold two million copies. From there, everything went very fast. I recorded five albums and they all had singles, last of which was ‘You Keep Me Hangin’ On ‘, the Supremes hit.
Kim, you mentioned your parents before, both famous in their time. So you’re a child of the ball. Your family environment he had an influence on you?
Of course. It is thanks to my parents that I could listen to the best artists of the 50s and 60s, such as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Costello, Aretha Franklin and Joni Mitchell.
Are there singers or musicians with whom you would particularly like to work?
Without hesitation, Elvis Costello. But, I also love Adam Ant.
You’re beautiful, do you think that your physical appearance has influenced your success?
I never thought of myself as beautiful, even if I think I’m cute. Anyway, I know quite a physical account in my job, but this is not enough. I should also have talent.
You make many tours each year, what do you think before concerts?
Of what? … I’m a very anxious. That’s my biggest fault. So obviously I worry how I will be on stage, whether the public will accept me if I will succeed to make me understand. Moreover, I am always afraid that when I begin, I will have no voice. That terrifies me.
Is there one thing you hate most?
Yes, spend so much time in the hands of makeup artists. I prefer doing my makeup alone.
You are famous around the world, you had many experiences, what have you removed?
A certain objectivity, even the ability to work seriously without letting me grab for my career too. I had the chance to understand very quickly.