Diana’s DJ, by request

Date: 1 January 1988
Published in: The Sun (UK)
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Pop-loving Princess Diana sends secret record requests to a radio station, it was revealed yesterday.

DJ Graham Dene, from London’s Capital Radio, said she often asks him – in code – to play hits for Prince Charles and her friends.

He said: “Sometimes i tell the listeners, ‘This is for a special friend of mine in Kensington’, other times I simply say, ‘This is for Diana.’ On one occasion I said I was playing a record for ‘Charles in Kensington’, and I added, ‘Your wife will be home soon to cook lunch!’ “

The princess and the DJ met up at London’s Cafe Royal yesterday for a star-studded charity lunch. It raised £89,000 including
£10,000 from reggae pop group Aswad who out-bid other rock stars, including Kylie Minogue, for a small china box put up for auction by Princess Di.

The trendy princess shared a table with Phil Collins, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart and Kim Wilde. And she made sure she got the chance to talk to all of them – by playing musical chairs between the courses at lunch.