Date: 1 January 1988
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
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“Yes”, says the beautiful singer quietly, “I am in love” – and blushes like a little schoolgirl. Then she rushes her hand through her hair and stares at the ground. She stands there as if she is caught.
And that would be Kim Wilde (26), who already made Terence Trent d’Arby and Julian Lennon lose their minds? That would be the woman whose exciting body is the dream of millions of men?
Sure – with Kim Wilde everything has changed now. Because she has found the man of her dreams. It’s Calvin Hayes (27), drummer of the British band “Johnny Hates Jazz”. Like lightning the love hit them, when they met each other during a party with the Formel Eins broadcast. And still it wasn’t love at first sight, but on second sight. Because the two have known one another for seven years already!
“I don’t know how that could suddenly happen”, tells Kim herself. “We always had a good understanding, but there was no sign of love.”
The both met in London, when Kim was working with studio musicians on her first album. And one of them was this Calvin Hayes. After that they only saw one another by chance and even then for a brief moment – until the Formel Eins party.
There they talked and danced together all night, they weren’t out of eachother’s sight for a moment. Then they had to keep still about their love. Kim went on tour with Michael Jackson and had no time for her lover for weeks.
But now both are in London, where they met, and Kim is the happiest girl in the world: “The time with Calvin is like heaven on earth…”