Kim Wilde: ‘At Christmas I feel very romantic’

Date: 13 December 1988
Published in: Top 10 (Netherlands)
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Kim Wilde will never forgt the day when her father Marty bought a Christmas tree for the first time. Kim was three at the time. Since then Christmas is the best holiday of the year, which she looks forward to the most. Kim is celebrating it this year, very intimately, with her family. The says why herself…

What’s so special about Christmas for you?
I love its special atmosphere. We’re togeher as a family, the grandparents as well, and I like that. We don’t get to see much of eachother through the year. It’s such a warm feast. A Christmas tree, candles – all the things that make it nice for a romantic girl like me.

And the presents, of course?
Yes, they are part of it of course. But that changes as you get older. When you’re little it’s the most important thing to get presents, that’s only logical. Now it’s much more fun to gíve them. When I buy something for someone, I am very curious to find out whether they like it or not. I’ve got a lot of trouble not telling about my presents beforehand.

You’re not the kind of person to go out shopping for presents on the last day?
Not usually. It can always happen that my mum wants something special which I didn’t buy yet. And then I go out for it. But usually I’m busy buying presents all year round. That’s the fun thing about being on tour. You see things you can’t find at home. Real surprises.

Did you believe in Santa Claus for a long time?
No, and I was very disappointed when I found out he didn’t exist. I love fairy tales and in that world Santa fits exactly.

Is there a Christmas that made a special impression on you?
I think the things that happen in your early childhood impress you the most, and that’s true for Chritmas as well. As a young girl I one got a beautiful doll, I can remember that as if it were yesterday. But don’t ask me when I turned twelve, because I wouldn’t know.

Is Christmas music part of your celebrations?
O yes, I am very oldfashioned about that. Although, why call it oldfashioned? It’s more like a good habit. I can’t imagine Christmas without ‘Silent night’.

Would you wish it was Christmas every day?
Yes! It’s a time when everyone thinks of one another a little more – your family or whomever. A little more peace and a little less fighting. It should be Christmas every day because of that.

You once had a little Christmas fight with customs once…
Don’t remind me! Two years ago I returned from Japan and Australia, on Christmas Day. I brough lots of presents and I had to unwrap them all! It was a bummer – it took hours. Because they really were a lot of presents… I was really angry about that.

Is Christmas more important to you this year when compared to other years?
Sure. Every year you look back on the past year and 1988 was a great year for me. My records sold well, I went on tour with Michael Jackson – it was great! I am very conscious of how lucky I am to be me.

It will be busy around the house, though!
Yes. Since my brother got married I have less contact with him than I used to. Not that we don’t see eachother anymore, but you still notice it. It’s logical. It’s nice to see him with his wife and the baby. My parents have four children and fortunately my grandparents are also still alive. It will be very cosy. I will have to help out my mum of course.

It’s the ideal way for you to celebrate Christmas?
Yes. But there’s one thing I would like to do: spend Christmas in the snow with the whole family. In Austria for instance, or Switzerland. I can’t imagine anything more beautiful.