Kim Wilde: ‘Everyone may know it, I’m madly in love’

Date: 5 November 1988
Published in: Hitkrant (Netherlands)
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‘For the first time in my life I am head over heels in love. That is the most beautiful feeling that exists.’ Never before Kim Wilde talked so openly about her private life, but now she has met mister Right she doesn’t want to keep the good news hidden…

‘I have never said much about my lovelife’, says Kim Wilde. ‘That is a very personal business, after all, which has nothing to do with my career. Of course I have had boyfriends, but never to the point I could shout it off the rooftops. It’s hard for someone in my position to have a good relationship, because I am away from home so often and rarely have a moment for myself. But now I’m really in love and the whole world may know that Calvin Hayes (drummer of Johnny Hates Jazz) and I have a steady relationship.’ Calvin and Kim know one another for over seven years now, ever since the drummer was in Kim’s band. ‘All these years we kept in contact. We were just good friends, however. Half a year ago we started to notice that we felt more for eachother. It grows. You have to be careful, sometimes it’s better to remain friends than to start a relationship. But I noticed over the past few months that it is real love. We have so much in common and because we know eachother through and through a good basis is there for a relationship. It doesn’t mean that we always think alike. Calvin is someone who loves going out and I’m more the type to stay at home with good friends.’
In the course of those years a lot has been speculated about Kim Wilde’s lovelife. Not so long ago an English newspaper suggested that she was in love with Rick Astley.
‘Oh well’, says Kim calmly, ‘everyone has to deal with that kind of thing. If you don’t talk about your private life they simply make it up. To be honest, I have only had two real boyfriends through the years. And now with Calvin I know it’s right and there’s no reason to keep it secret.’