Date: 1 November 1988
Originally published in: [unknown] (France)
Written by:
“When I saw that factories polluted rivers to the point of killing all wildlife, I was shocked and decided to act.”
Kim Wilde therefore dedicated a song from her latest album to the organization for the protection of nature Greenpeace, of which she is a very active member and for the benefit of which she gives concerts. The blonde English rocker is not just anyone. This summer, she provided the first part of Michael Jackson’s famous European tour to Rome, Rotterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, London, Lyon, Paris… As a quality label, it is difficult to dream better but it is just as true that evolving in the wake of a media phenomenon like Michael Jackson, we risk staying in the shadows.
“Still, I’m delighted. Michael is a statue, a monument. Most of my friends are famous people, even stars. So working with Michael Jackson hasn’t changed my life.”
And now that the monument has left the Old Continent, Kim Wilde will have the opportunity to be talked about with her new songs like the one dedicated to Greenpeace or the title taken from her 45rpm, ‘You came’.
“I wrote it for my nephew Marty.”
Or even ‘European Soul’ offered to painter Marc Chagall.
“At 19, I had two passions: music and painting. I had to choose.”
Kim Wilde is 28 years old today – including eight years of success since her first arrivals in the hitparades with ‘Kids in America’, ‘Cambodia’, ‘Love blonde’ …. The path she chose seemed to be the good and she does not intend to change it.
“I have been offered a lot of films that have hardly tempted me. I’m not sure I’m a good actress and, anyway, my real ambition is music.”
Kim Widle has she changed between 20 and 28 years old?
“I have more control over my personality. I feel fulfilled. My reserve, let’s even say my shyness and my complexes have disappeared. Honestly, I enjoy life a lot more today. Partly because I have come to consider things like love, sexuality with a little more humor … I believe that, sexually, you don’t ‘relax with age and a woman who is comfortable with that side becomes much more attractive. “
Thin, the wise and discreet private life of Kim Wilde makes the English press despair eager for juicy secrets. This blond sex symbol of rock barely admits:
“I had a serious romantic relationship recently but ultimately it did not hold. Maybe I am too busy with my job? Anyway, I rarely fall in love…”