Date: 1 January 1988
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
Written by: Margit Ritti
The few days rest, Kim Wilde is allowing herself right now, she spends with her boyfriend Calvin Hayes, who has an appartment near London’s Regents Park. Her own apartment in St. Johns Wood is usually empty, the telephone is answered by the machine.
Although Kim lives round the corner from Calvin, she prefers to stay with him rather than to stay alone at home. They listen to records together, Kim cooks vegetable meals for her boyfriend – both eat as little meat as they can and rarely leave the house. Not together anyway, to deny photographers an opportunity to spot them.
Calvin works in the studio with the new singer of Johnny Hates Jazz (his name is still a secret) and comes home tired in the evening, while Kim jets through Europe right now to present her hit “Never trust a stranger”. France, Belgium, Holland and Germany are her hottest markets at the moment.
Privately there are itches with Kim: she is turning 28 soon, and she stands before the decision: should she marry and have baby’s or not? Right now when she has finally found her ideal boyfriend, the timing is very good. When Kim is asked about her future plans, she always says she wants at least four children.
Kim takes a good example from her parents, who have been married for 30 years and have four children. Brother Ricky is happier than ever with his wife and his little son Marty. Kim’s new boyfriend Calvin Hayes, son of the famous record producer Mickie Most, comes from an equally ideal family.
Right now Kim is however putting her career first: she has recently ended filming her new video “Four letter word”. Kim has hired two actors for the video, named David Paul Taylor and Michelle, while she herself appears in front of four different backdrops, showing the four seasons, in simple clothing.
The work on her new home in Hertfordshire with lots of wood panels and bars in the roof starte in Spring 1989. She told Bravo, that five bedrooms with a bath each are planned – enough space for friends, guests and eventually baby’s and nanny’s. Kim has all the trumps in her hand.