Date: 1 October 1988
Published in: OK! (France)
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If it was a duet…
It would be a duet with Etienne Daho. Kim doesn’t hide it: she dreams of recording a song with him.
If it was a painter…
Kim is passionate about paintings and her favourite artist is Marc Chagall.
If it was a humanitarian cause…
The singer is ecological and an active member of this organisation. She gives concerts to raise funds against environmental pollution.
If it was a statue or a historical monument…
It would be Michael Jackson. For Kim, Michael is a true legend.
If it would be a sport…
Skiing. Kim practices it regularly in Courcheval.
If it was a complex…
Like many stars, Kim doesn’t like herself physically a lot. Especially in her teens. She thought she was too tall and she didn’t like her hair.
If it was a schooldays memory…
The first day in elementary school was a nightmare, because first she went to school in a small village. Afterwards, she went to a large school and it terrified her.
If it was a flower…
It would be carnations, without a doubt. Kim sold them on the market to earn some pocket money when she was sixteen years old.
If it was a rendez-vous…
It would be the first, when she was fifteen. She still sees the man from time to time who was her first love.
If it was a furniture…
Kim furnished her apartment with furnitures from flea markets. She has had several restored.
If it was a city…
London, where she lives most of the time but she’s always in between two flights.
If it was an ideal man…
The ideal man, according to Kim, has to be gentle, sensible, funny, passionate and very busy.
If it was a character trait…
Independence and ambition.
If it was a dish…
Kim likes traditional food: French kitchen for breakfast and Asian food for dinner.
If it was a movie…
A romantic movie, like ‘Falling in love’ with Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro or ‘Subway’ with Christopher Lambert.
If it was a car…
Kim does not like them, especially those who go too fast.
If it was a means of communication…
She has a true passion for the telephone. Her telephone is a black item from the fourties.
If it was reading for relaxation…
It would be her horoscope in female magazines… (Scorpio!)
If it was a wellknown fan…
It would be Laurent Voulzy, who composed for her ‘Les nuits sans Kim Wilde’.
If it was a fashion designer…
Kim loves dresses. Her preferred designers are Agnes B and Kenzo.
If it was a hairstyle…
Kim likes to change her look. She styles her hair most of the time with a lot of volume.
If it was a holiday destination…
It would be the Reunion Islands. Kim adores the sun.
What’s new?
Kim continues with her promotion for ‘Never trust a stranger’ and she’s thinking of a new single.