The Kim Wilde Guide to looking good and feeling Gurrrrrate!!!

Date: 1 January 1988
Published in: Smash Hits (UK)
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Kim Wilde. Basically she is fashion. She positively oozes style. She has that certain je ne sais quoi. She has that unmistakable hint of savoir-faire. With her far-seeing interpretation of coming “looks” and her influential and adventurous sense of style, she’s a sure-fire winner in the fashion “stakes”. She is a leader in the fields of both popular music and haute couture. She has, you might go as far as to say, re-written the rule books of fashion chic. So, who better to take us through an odyssey of exciting clothes and make-up than Dame Kim hself…

T-shirt Chic:

Here we see Kim in her formative years, and her first venture into the heady world of high fashion. Note the inspirational use of bold colour to create the striking logo “KIM”. This was later adapted by popular beat combo, Frankie Goes To Hollywood for their much celebrated “RELAX” T-shirts. Showing once again that Dame Kimberly has always had the edge on her pop “peers”…

“Venetian” Blind Chic:

Probably one of the first pictures of Kim in her wildly influential Spring Windows Collection which was ecstatically received. Note the dynamic movement of the slatted blinds juxtaposed with the violent parallel image of her T-shirt. She is clearly a genius of unimaginable proportions…

Pure ‘N’ Simple Make-Up Chic:

The look that shocked the world of cosmetic application. Note the subtle, understated manner in which she has powdered blusher all over her face!!! They said it couldn’t be done! But once again, the fashion mastermind that is Kim Wilde had well and truly confounded her critics. Viva “Kim”!!!

Casual Rainwear Chic:

This brave new look heralded an array of imitators and the market was instantly flooded with cheap copies of mackintoshes with pictures of dead fish in their see-through pockets. Sadly, though, it was a fad that did not catch on showing that only Dame Kimberley herself could carry off such an unusual and rather fetching design as this…

Frillie Nightie Chic:

The elite band of world fashion experts stood a “gog” when Kim unveiled her collection of nightwear. Note the ever so subtle make-up techniques employed here too. Dame Kimberley was promptly awarded a knighthood – a knighthood! – for her services to the fashion industry…

Gardening Chic:

“Your greenhouse”, Dame Kim was once reputed to say, “says as much about you as the clothes you wear”. Here we see her relaxing amongst the tomato plants on a seat cleverly constructed fro mFisons Gro-Bags and old watering cans sporting a fetching boiler-suit and balaclava. Small wonder then, that percy Thrower called our Kim “The Horticulturalist Of The Century”…