When did you say those 3 little words for the first time…

Date: 1 October 1988
Published in: Hitkrant (Netherlands)
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Oh yes, those three little words where a world of feeling is hiding behind. ‘I love you’. We asked a few celebrities when and to whom they said it for the first time…

Kim Wilde

The first time was with my first serious boyfriend. I believe we were outside in front of the door of a disco, and it rained and it was dark and we stood there under a raincoat, just the two of us… and then I said ‘I love you’. And he said the same and then I thought ‘Aaah, that feels good’.

(More answers from Kylie Minogue, Taylor Dayne, Tiffany, Sinitta, Nathan (Brother Beyond), Drummie (Aswad) and Karin Vlasblom (Frizzle Sizzle).)