Wilde and wanting to come back to Ireland for more!

Date: 31 July 1988
Published in: Sunday World (Ireland)
Written by: Ann Mooney

Sultry singing star Kim Wilde pulled no punches in her Sunday World interview in Cork yesterday before the Jackson gig: “Tell your readers I’ll definitely be returning with my own tour this year.” The gorgeous blonde said she was not used to the superstar treatment she received both at the airport and on visits into town. “We usually keep my arrival into countries a secret, so I was amazed by the crowds who turned out at Cork airport”, she said.

Kim is a real lady and her spontaneous reaction to meeting six Cork youngsters who were at the airport with their homemade signs delighted everyone as she signed autographs and kissed them all. The Jackson tour itself has helped to make her as a performer. She does not regard herself as any less a star than Jackson, pointing out that she was invited on this tour by his management.

“I am being paid for the gigs, which is unusual for something as big as this. Most artistes would give their right arm and be prepared to do it for free just for the opportunity. I was first choice and I had the first option as to whether I wanted to be part of it or not”, said Kim. “I feel in a strong position and I have matured as a performer. I am prepared to listen to people and if we feel something is not right, then I will change it. I am nervous before going out on stage, but it’s an addictive type of nervousness and I love every minute of it.”

Kim, who has a string of single hits as well as six chart albums, has been at the top for eight years, first crashing into the charts with ‘Kids In America’ written by her brother Ricky. At present she’s riding high at Number 6 in the hit parade with ‘You Came’. She added: “Once you have a big hit, the pressure is immense for the next one and the one after that. I am also developing my song writing and enjoying the results”, she said.

When not on tour, Kim lives alone in her London flat. She admits the life can be lonely, but she relies on the telephone a great deal to keep her in touch with family and friends.

Kim has no steady boyfriend and she has always managed to retain a clean, fresh image. She is not one to be surrounded by controversy. As MCA’s general manager Dave Pennyfather said: “She’s the daughter everyone would love to have.”