Kim Wilde: is she pregnant?

Date: 1 January 1989
Published in: Bravo (Germany)
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That she looks fuller and sexier, has a bigger bosom than ever, very happy and she’s in love with Calvin, Kim Wilde (28) does not want to hide it. On the contrary: “For the first time in my life, I am well rested, relaxed and completely happy,” she says in an exclusive bravo interview in the middle of January in San Remo. Kim resites there with her little sister Roxanne (9), who is as pretty as Kim. Since the Michael Jackson Tour came to an end, Kim has been traveling all over Europe.

She did promotion for her singles “You came” and the new hit “Four Letter Word” everywhere. Since the beginning of January, it has been a bit quieter for Kim. Now she wants to rest even more intense: “From the end of April, you will hardly see anything of me until the end of the year,” she told us in San Remo. “I have discovered that there is a kind of private life in addition to the work, and I want to enjoy that.”

Certainly, Kim’s decision has something to do with her love for Calvin Hayes (24), keyboarder with Johnny Hates Jazz. The two are inseparable and spend most of their freedom together in their London apartment.

About rumors that she might be expecting a baby, Kim just laughs. “Typically, they know more than me again.” But she does not deny that she definitely wants babies. Since she turns 30 in the last year and is in love, the assumption is close. However, Kim does not want to marry.
Also, that her live performance in San Remo her deeply cut dress fell from her shoulder before the humming television cameras and briefly exposed her breasts, had certainly made her face turn red a year ago. Today Kim stays cool and can only smile about such “business accidents”…