Date: 1 January 1989
Published in: Smash Hits (UK)
Written by: Graeme Kay
This consists of seven tracks, five of which (“Hey Mr Heartache”, “You Came”, “Four Letter Word”, “Never Trust A Stranger” and the new single “Love In A Natural Way”) are from the LP “Close”, plus two more, “You Keep Me Hanging On” and “Another Step Closer To You”. Sad to say, it’s a rather boring compilation, mainly because they all consist of more or less the same thing i.e. lots of “soft focus” close ups of Kim posin’ ‘n’ poutin’ in her sultry “windswept” way through various “scenarios” e.g. an angst ridden lover meeting her boyfriend, angst ridden lover having nightmares about her boyfriend or angst ridden lover saying goodbye to her boyfriend. What tosh!
(4 out of 10)