[Thompson Twins release party]

Date: 14 October 1989
Published in: Melody Maker (UK)
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Suppose the Thompson Twins threw a party and Deborah Harry came… at the halfway stage between the Blonde goddess’s storming six-night residency at The Borderline last week The Cobden Working men’s Club in Ladbroke Grove was the unlikely setting for Where To Glimpse Debbie Harry and… oh yeah, the launch of The Twins’ new album; “Big Trash”. Copious devoted hours of loyal wating were put in before, just as the weak were wilting, – the woman herself appeared, as did, as if we noticed, Chris Stein and the rest of her band… Also grasping were Kim Wilde, The Darling Buds, Ade Edmundson and Jennifer Saunders, Jerry Harrison, Billy Duffy, probably also Mike Tyson and The Queen of England but we can’t be relied on for accurate observation and peripheral vision when Debbie is involved… an obsessed Chris Roberts began telling her his life story before Allannah Curry suddenly remarked, “Ah Debbie, this is the guy I was telling you about who was asking me all about you the other night…”
Ms. Harry remarked that the Victoria and Albert had been a good culture tip (the museum, not the pub), and promised a dedication of “Always Touched By Your Presence Dear” on the final night… we shall see…
Debs told The Darling Buds she’d heard of them and briefly cut a rug to the hot acid house strains before exiting to a parting salvo from Roberts of something cool and unattainable like, “I’m melting here and you do not realise it…”
Meanwhile the gigs themselves have seen everything from “Rapture” to Ramones covers… among the throngs (thousands turned away sobbing at the door) have been yer Buds, Primitives, Birdland, even Samantha Fox!… By the time you read this, National Blonde Week will have reached the end of its run, Roberts may have regained a degree of sanity, and “Heart of Glass” will never sound the same…