Kim Wilde
Where will you be spending Christmas this year?
At home
Who will you be spending it with?
My family
How did you find out that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
Someone at school told me
What is the worst Christmas present you have ever received?
A pair of slippers. I won’t say who from, but they were very nasty!
What do you want for Christmas this year?
What would you buy for: a) the New Kids?
A pair of British Knights trainers
b) Timmy Mallett?
Fur-lined panties!
c) Paul Gascoigne?
Lots of hankies
What will you be eating for Xmas dinner and who’ll be cooking it?
Very traditional turkey cooked by mum and me.
If you were casting a nativity play, who would you get to play: a) A wise man?
Julian Clary
b) Mary?
Julian Clary
c) Jesus?
Bart Simpson
d) The cattle?
Pet Shop Boys.
Where will you be for New Year’s Eve?
I haven’t decided yet.
What will be your New Year’s resolution?
To keep smiling.