Kim Wilde: The Platinum Blonde

Date: 1 June 1990
Published in: Multitop (France)
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Ten years at the top, seven albums, crowned “Best British singer” in 1983, Kim Wilde, the sexy blonde, is a subscriber to the most precious of metals: platinum.

Since 1981 and “Kids in America”, Kim Wilde takes her insolent talent to all the stages of the world. As much as she behaves with laziness and nonchalance in the private sector, as much on a stage she shows a presence and an insane drive. Of course, when you have as much music as milk in your bottle, the feeling grows at the same time as you do. Marty Wilde, the dad, was a rock star of the 60s, and Kim was rocked by his hits and influenced by his tastes: the Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell … She is twenty years old when her father and son Brother Ricki therefore compose this famous “Kids in America”, and the first three albums will be the fruit of this family collaboration. March 1986 sees the first big turning point in the career of the luscious woman: on the one hand she makes a planetary hit with “You keep me hangin ‘on”, a cover of a classic of the Supremes and, above all, with “Schoolgirl”, she decides to write the texts of her songs herself, Ricki providing most of the melodies.

Kim has no particular metaphysical problems. Her only obsession is to try to prevent her busty body from putting on a few unsightly pounds. Otherwise, the only theme that she approaches practically in all of her songs is love: “Since the age of fifteen, my loves have often been unhappy, which explains my cynicism. Stability, I look for it with my friends, with my family, never with a man. Besides, I am not seduced, it is always me who takes the lead. But I am not looking for a man desperately, he will come in his time “. Spontaneous and warm, with “Love moves”, Kim Wilde wrote once again a very nice album in which she alternates with ease rock titles and melodious romances. There is still platinum in the air!