The harmonious

Date: 1 January 1990
Published in: [unknown] (France)
Written by:

As a “light” passenger in Paris, we met her who, for more than ten years, has led her career with a grip of hell and an incomparable energy. Wrapped in a bathrobe on the sofa in her dressing room, she revealed some indiscretions, always good to know, on her new album and more …

World in perfect harmony is the title of your last album, can you tell us about it?
This album is very close to my heart because I have written all the lyrics. Two of them are devoted to the environment, a primary problem for which I feel concerned. World in perfect harmony is a song of hope. That is the positive side by which I have addressed the issue. Even if it is a bit unrealistic, I dare hope that we are moving towards a better world.

What is the most important message for you, in your songs?
Love, always love! In my opinion, it is the strongest feeling that can mobilize crowds and make things happen.

What other subjects were you inspired to write these new texts?
The inner beauty of people. The search for balance within oneself. Deep well-being.

How do you get your ideas?
From anything. Everything that lives is inspiring. People, media, books. Sometimes I use personal anecdotes.

Is not the world of show business too ungrateful for a woman?
Throughout my career, I had the privilege of being very surrounded by my family who protected me a lot. But I am aware that in general, female artists are discriminated against in the world of show business.

Recently, you moved to the countryside, near your family, why?
Indeed, I recently live outside of London where I enjoy my tranquility. I got closer to my family because having left it quite young and a little “rebellious”, I really wanted to remake ties with a entourage that I particularly enjoy. I wear a woman’s look now on what I left when I left. It’s amazing.

What are your favorite hobbies?
I love more than anything to do interior decoration. Everything around me is very important to me. I like to feel good in my house and I claim to be an interior woman. I also dedicate time to sports to relax. I paint sometimes and I plan on starting again to take flamenco classes.

Have you ever thought of starting a family one day?
Yes, because I know that it is one of the most precious things one can possess? I can not say today that I will one day found a family but it is something that is very close to my heart.

The ideal man, for you, what does it look like?
He must be nice, have a sense of humor. Facial expression is very important. I would rather opt for personalities who come out of the niche that is made of the ideal man. The guys with the look a bit ‘bizarre’ would attract me more. Out of norms what!

What do you think of the French?
I love them. I love above all the language may, in general, French men are more cracking than others for me.

The future, you see how?
I hope as much filled with suprises as the past. I do not foresee anything in the long term. I like the unexpected in my career as in my private life. Even if I read my horoscope every day …