Kim Wilde intimate: with ‘Love is holy’ Kim celebrates an exciting comeback

Date: 1 January 1992
Published in: Rennbahn Express (Austria)
Written by: Thomas Zeidler

“I hate my body. It is halfway okay, but certainly not pinup material, that’s why I would never undress myself for a magazine”, says “You came”-star Kim Wilde during an interview with RE in London as part of the promotion of her successful fifth album “Love Is Holy”. Nude photography and slippery videos she leaves to her colleagues Siouxie from the Banshees or Madonna. “They have a much more exciting body and they bring it out much better. Madonna looks really great without her clothes on!”, declares the 31 year old (born 18.11.60) amateur painter (“I like making portraits and landscapes best”), who has experience in the charts for years (first hit: “Kids in America”) and has even sung in the support programme of Michael Jackson in 1988 thanks to her songs like “Cambodia”, “View from a bridge” and “Chequered love”.
“The Jackson tour was a one time thing”, says Kim. “I won’t play as a support act anymore, it’s much too crazy, and I want to be recognised as Kim Wilde and not as Jacko’s marionette.”
From her first kiss she remembers everything: “David Summry, he went to school with me in Chiswick. I was totally crazy about him, and when we went to the disco he finally kissed me. I was just twelve.”
About her partner during “her first time” she keeps silent: “He is now a good friend of the family, but his wife would make our lives hell if she knew we were together 15 years ago.”
After countless affairs she was together with Johnny Hates Jazz founder Calvin Hayes for three years. The breakup came in 1991. Kim: “He wanted to marry me and have children with me!”
He most painful experience was during San Remo festival in 1989: “During a dance routine my breasts fell out of my skintight top. I didn’t notice at first that 20 million TV viewers saw a unique event.”