Date: 1 January 1992
Published in: [unknown] (UK)
Written by: Mike Housego
Curvy singer Kim Wilde is all set to add to her long list of hits with new single Love is Holy. But then Kim’s more than proved her pop pedigree, as befits the daughter of a showbiz family. Father Marty Wilde was a Sixties rock ‘n’ roll idol, mum is her manager and brother Ricki is a songwriter.
It doesn’t mean she’s always had it easy on her climb to the top, as Mike Housego found when he put your questions to her.
How would you like your music career to develop? (Jonathan Blyton, Wiltshire)
I would love to write a smash hit record for another artist. I’m looking forward to touring later this year but what I most want is to have a family and to doing normal things.
Who would you most like to do a duet with? (George Middleham, Rochester, Kent)
My 12-year-old sister, Roxanne. She has done some backing vocals on my album.
What kind of music do you like to listen to? (Pilar Pearson, Co Durham)
Anita Baker, Todd Rundgren, Sounds of Blackness and most chart material.
Does it worry you if you’re out of the charts for a while? (Melanie Bristow, Luton)
It only worries me if I have a record out which I think should be in the charts but which
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you? (Davy Lawson, Richmond, N. Yorks.)
When my top fell down while i was doing a show for Italian TV. And then the picture was published all over the world.
Would you ever consider posing naked for a magazine? (V. Penny, Harrow, Middlesex)
It depends. I wouldn’t do it for thrills and would say “no” to Playboy.
How do you always manage to look so sexy? (Noel Slattery, Burnley)
Thank you, Noel. I’m not sure I would agree with always but I love your biased opinion.
If there was one thing you could change about your looks, what would it be? (Ali, Bradford)
I’d have thicker hair and loads of curls.
Do you have a steady boyfriend? (Nicholas Toone, Bognor, Sussex)
I have been dating Paul Holmes for a year. He works for his family’s motoring business.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? (Donna, London)
I’m wearing one of Dad’s black velvet jackets, which he bought in Knebworth, where he lives. My shirt is from Miss Selfridge and trousers from Whistles.
Do you consider yourself a sex symbol? (Sarah Miller, Bristol)
I have to. It would be coy to deny it.
How do you compare to Madonna? (Joss Yerbury, Bath)
We both make pop records, exploit our sexuality and enjoy it.
![[unknown] (UK), 1992](