All her life Kim Wilde has worked hard. More than a decade ago she was the big promise of British pop, but in the last few years she had become fat and depressed while her career didn’t go so well.
Now she has set herself straight and enjoys life again. She lost weight, recorded a new album and has thrown her black clothes out of the wardrobe. Black may have been how she felt, but now she used bright colours to express her new zest for life.
“I often get nightmares about my life as an ex-popstar without a job with nothing to do”, she said. “When my last record failed, my world fell apart. The problem was that I never acknowledged how tense I get when I sing in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Only a year ago, when I moved back to Hertfordshire from London to be back near my family, I realised how the stress had built up in my body. Many mornings it was too bad I woke up. I preferred to sleep forever.”
The new peace and quiet is also thanks to a motor salesman, Paul Holmes. After affairs with stars like Adam Ant and Ricky Astley she has found love last year. There’s no talk of marriage yet, but she is sure to fight for her place in the charts for another seven or eight years.