Date: 1 June 1994
Published in: Volksstimme Magdeburg (Germany)
Written by: Angela Dähling
Kim Wilde was 20 years old when she landed in 1981 her first major hit with “Kids in America”. From then on things went on in rapid succession, and now the blonde daughter of the English singer Marty Wilde has sold more than six million albums, the most successful British solo singer ever. Currently, she is on tour with her “Singles Collection 1981-1993” and will appear live on Saturday at 20 o’clock at the AMO. There are remaining tickets at the box office. Volksstimme Magdeburg editor Angela Dähling spoke with the singer.
On their tour, you sing all of your old favorites. When will there be something new from Kim Wilde to listen to?
Once we finish the tour and are back in the UK, we start working on a new album. I’m looking forward to it, because I really enjoy writing songs. But at the moment I have even more fun to be on stage and sing. The audience here in Germany is great! I’m curious how it will be in Magdeburg, because so far I have not been there.
You are now 14 years in the music business. Which of your initial wishes have you fulfilled by now?
At first my father wrote all my songs. And then I dreamed of being a song-writer myself. I have now reached that goal. In addition, I wanted to stay in this business for the rest of my life. Until now I also was successful with that. Thirdly, I wanted to find inner peace. Also, this wish came true – I am really happy.
Did you move from the hectic London to the countryside to find this inner peace?
Yes. I live back in the small community where I grew up. My recording studio is near and my parents and siblings live there. I think it’s just wonderful to wake up and the smell of flowers and woods in the nose to have and listen to the birds tweeting.
What you want to accomplish in your career?
I’d like to make a film. Recently I even got the offer in the UK to participate in a film. I think I’m going to say yes. However, I don’t want to get out of music. And I want to start a family one day.
Would you give up your career for the family?
No, I would not stop. But to step out for a short time and not be on the road so much would be nice. I now live almost fourteen years out of the suitcase – I would stop with that first.
Are there any wedding plans?
No, not that.
Back on film: you have been called a twin sister of Kim Basinger in some newspapers. Does this comparison bother you?
No. On the contrary. I think she is a great, very, very beautiful woman who has a lot of charisma. It is very flattering to me, to be compared with her.
Does it hurt you when you read bad reviews?
No, not really. The people who write them often know nothing about me. Some have not even heard my records. I’ve sold millions of records. I think that speaks for itself. And if I was really that untalented, I would hardly be able to hold for 14 years in this trade.
What have you learned over these years?
I learned a lot about people, and I met a lot of people. But my best friends are still the same, they were also there before my career. Most of them have nothing to do with showbusiness. For example, my best friend, Claire, she works as a supplier. I met her when I was nine years old, and she is still my best friend. We talk every week, even when I’m traveling. Friends are very important to me. You, my parents and siblings to me merry and give me courage when I’m down.
Strain the expectations one is in the public occasionally to you?
It is sometimes quite hard to expectations on me to be. But now I can deal with it. Spotlight on the Öffentlichtkeit grosszuwerden is sometimes not easy. But I think all this has automatically made me strong and hardy.
Feel free to the public, or go from watching?
I like to go out and celebrate much. I think: I have only this one life and I want to make the best of every second.