Date: 1 January 2001
Published in: Country living (UK)
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Note: Advertorial for Uvistat skin care products. Now a TV garden designer, Kim Wilde always relies on Uvistat to protect her fair skin from the sun.
Like 47% of the population (and all children, regardless of hair colour or skin pigment), Kim Wilde has biologically fair skin, defined by the fact that she burns quick1y in the sun. The difference is, unlike those who think that sunscreens are only needed on the beach in summer, Kim realises how important it is to wear one all year round.
“Because of my job, I’m outside a great deal and know that the sun in this country is stronger than people think. So I always use a Uvistat sun cream with a SPF of at least 15,” she explains. Uvistat provides thorough protection for fair skin, with products rangingfrom SPF15 to SPF50, and is recommended by dermatologists, such as Dr Susan Mayo, consultant at the Lister Hospital in London who advises, “Uvistat offers balanced protection from both UVA and UVB light.”
Gently does it
Fair skin needs careful protection from the sun in order to avoid long-term damage.
Stay out ot the sun between 11am and 3pm, even in the UK.
Use sunscreens specially formulated for fair skin: Uvistat gives balanced protection from both UVA and UVB light.
Children require at least SPF20 -the point at which Uvistat’s children’s range starts.