In her fourties away from the public, Kim Wilde, pop queen of the eighties, sparkles. Kim, who won the charts with her single “Kids in America” found the complete happiness after a succesfull music career on a beautiful estate Hertfordshire. The marriage with Hal Fowler, the three year old boy and the one year old girl changed her life completely. With the motherhood that fullfilled her completely, Kim also finds enjoyment in her new calling – gardening. Following her heart, she devoted herself to her hobby and became a very wanted and appreciated expert.
“I grew up in countryside. I went to London to build my career, but I always felt some desire for nature, I wanted to return to my roots. When I got back to the countryside, I’ve realised that gardening is my therapy. With years, my love for the garden grew into a real passion”, says Kim and adds with a smile that she’s a dangerous driver because she’s always looking at the plants. Because she wanted to learn more, she takes classes at college where she learns about plants and decorating green areas.
“I’ve never thought about getting married… When I met Hal, a vulcano in me just exploded. Children running around, and a challenge of the new carear in front of me. I’m overjoyed”, claims Kim, who also wants a third child.
“I have Rose, she got her name after a flower, if I give birth to another girl, I will name her Poppy, as a hommage to my music career”, she says.