Review – Birgit

Date: 20 July 2001
Published in: BN De Stem (Netherlands)
Written by: Rolf Finders

Kim Wilde, who remembers her? The Eighties. ‘Kids in America’, ‘Chequered love’, high singalong rating. Upbeat songs performed by an upbeat lady. It is now 2001. A woman on the sleeve looks horny into the lense and licks her lips with her tongue – like a ‘centerfold girl’. The woman is Birgit, sister of Katja Schuurman (Dutch TV personality – ed.). Birgit has made a cd – ‘Few like me’ – that sounds a bit like Kim Wilde. With the difference that Kim could sing better. But those songs, that style, it’s too simplistic for words. A bit of pop, a bit of new wave, and that’s Birgit, who presents herself in the booklet as a bunny who applies for a staple in her bellybutton or a role in the new Disney moveis with Minnie Mouse in the starring role. That’s allowed, it can happen, but you have to show that you’ve got more than just a pretty face. And Birgit doesn’t succeed in that. It rains irritating keyboards and irritating background vocals. The songs have the power of desert sands during a tornado and the voice of Birgit is blowing along happily. The only songs in which the voice copes reasonably, are the ballads ‘Cruising’ and the beautiful ‘What’s your age’. Next time an acoustic session please. If that fails, that staple through her bellybutton isn’t that bad.