Date: 1 January 2001
Published in: Herts News website (UK)
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First of all there was the sedate vintage car exhibition with vehicles such as the ‘Kay Don’ Singer below originally built in 1933 it is probably the only one of it’s kind left. Owned by David Freath of Watton-at-stone it was purchased from a scrap yard in Ipswich in 1976 for £350 He kept it safe until his retirement in 1997 when he started to re-build it, bringing it to this magnificient condition now. Or the smaller cars such as this Austin 7 AC Tourer called a’Pram Hood Chummy’ first registered in 1924, and currently owned by Brian Foyle of Enfield. Then there were stalls selling bits and pieces and pony rides, on a beautiful sunny bank holiday monday in Stanborough Park Welwyn Garden City. All accompanied by the tuneful sounds of the Whitwebb Motor Musem Band of Enfield.
Then the band finished, the P.A. kicked in and the air became full of the sounds of country music the central arena started to fill with people of all ages shapes and sizes lining up for dance. Yep the line dancin’ had begun…
The event had a serious side that was to raise money for the East & North Herts Breast Unit Appeal of which Kim Wilde is the Patron and Vicky Adkins is the Founder and driving force. Both seen here to the left dancing to Kim’s ‘Kids in America’ Which had been specially choreographed for this event. Also taking part in the dance was Breast Consultant Mr. Peter Crane and daughter. Also present to show how it’s done was World Champion Line Dancer Johnny Two Steps.
Vicky wanted to say a big thank-you to all who attended to make the show a great success and raised over £4000 to add to the appeal.