Date: 26 November 2001
Published in: Gazet van Antwerpen (Belgium)
Written by: Stef Vanwoensel
The Big Brother house in Belgium was hit by musical entertainment yesterday evening. Kim sang her come back single “Loved”. With a little bit of distance she looks on her renewed attention: “I would be just as happy sitting at a party of my little son, dressed up like a pirate”.
The career of Kim Wilde started as a dream. A 21 year old girl from West-London became a superstar due to a single that her father and brother had written. After “Kids in America” the hits piled up : Chequered Love, Cambodia, Love blonde, ….
After the 80’s the succes diminished.
In the middle of the 90’s after playing in the musical “Tommy” she made the intention to stop making music. She would spend more time with the man of her dreams and her children.
“I knew before a musiccareer wasn’t my mean purpose. I enjoyed a lot, but dreamed of having children. The thing that made me stop with music was fear: I asked myself how to satisfy my creative pressure without music.” Afterwards it didn’t seem to be a problem.
Kim threw into another love with a lot of dedication, which she neglected for 15 years : gardening. She went back to school in order to lose herself in garden architecture. Quickly, she was asked for the British TV to contribute to gardening programs. At the same time her drafts brought many awards. Again, everything went fine. Today she has a son of 4 years and a doughter of 2.
Harry and Rose didn’t see their mum as a popstar, till music knocked on the door. Kim was asked to cooperate with a British revival-Tour together with other 80’s-stars. When her old record company had the intention to release a ‘best of’ cd, she recorded with her brother a new single ‘Loved’, a contemporary dance song, that has some Madonna influences. The single was picked out by some European countries. This week, the song did the highest entry in the Flamish Ultratop.
“I was frightened by that”, she said. “I enjoy it. It means some alternation between gardening and looking after the kids. But it is also strange : In my head I was quit definitively with music and sudenly you get offers again to perform. I remarked that a song we had recorded to do a fovour to the record company, becomes a hit! I have mixed feelings with this one. I like to make new music again, but at the same time I like to be at home as much as possible. If people could guarantee me that I can go on in this way, I would like to record some new songs…”
Kim has the luxury to choose from two talents.
“I’ve known always before I wanted a family. I didn’t want to become like some collegues, who think alone of their career and themselves. What I have know, I don’t want to lose. Wich is quite funny: Recently, my husband saw me on stage for the first time! I dyed my hear blonde again and wore leather pants. He couldn’t believe his eyes! Hal has never been a fan: formerly he couldn’t even distinguish Kim Carnes, Kim Basinger and myself. Also my little son, who accompanied me everywhere was excited…”
About Big Brother she said : “In England we have this too. Once I saw it two minutes, between cooking. I thought to myself: What inspires these people?”