Four answers from… Kim Wilde

Date: 1 March 2002
Published in: Groove (Sweden)
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[Translated for Wilde Life by Calanor]

Where did the stars of the 80’s go when their careers died? Drug
clinics? Forget it. They got TV shows where they go to peoples’ homes
and rearrange their gardens. That’s what happened to Kim Wilde, anyway.

People tend to think it’s fun to see an 80’s heroine walk about in their garden, covered in mud, Kim says.
After a couple of flopping albums, she withdrew from the music business, got married, had children and developed the interest for gardening.
I didn’t want to have anything to do with the pop star career, blonde hair or Kids in America any longer.
Now, however, Kim’s dyed her hair blonde again to promote a new compilation album. A record she’s not been overly engaged in.
I don’t even know what songs are included, she laughs. But I can probably guess… Well, yes, of course I know which ones are on it, she corrects herself.

You’re not particularily interested in playing the pop star again, are you?
I’ll soon be back in the gardens again, don’t you worry.