Date: 4 August 2005
Published in: Daily Express (UK)
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Pop star turned garden expert Kim Wilde, 44, lives in Hertfordshire with actor husband Hal Fowler and children, Harry, seven, and Rose, five.
Always the same or always game?
I’m adventurous, especially in a good restaurant where I know everything will be great.
M&S or D&G?
I’m a high street girl. In particular I like Monsoon and M&S and I have been known to buy a few T-shirts in Tesco. Occasionally I find myself going down the designer route, but that’s the exception.
Experimental or tried and tested?
I’m experimental as I haven’t got any patience with recipes, I just shove anything. in. I’m a good cook but my husband is better. My lamb stew with dumplings is legendary.
Beer or Bolli?
Bolli because it’s delicious and less fattening. My mum likes champagne and I always get a glass when I go round there.
Aggie & Kim or Wayne & Waynetta?
Wayne and Waynetta. We live in a barn with lots of cobwebs and we’ve got children and a puppy. Hal leaves his clothes lying around – he’s definitely Wayne and I’m Waynetta – it would be bad news if we were Aggie and Wayne.
Rainy day or live for today?
Both. I save money but I spend it too. I buy a lot of plants but I don’t have expensive habits.
Urban chic or rural retreat?
I love living in the country. Researchers have discovered that only four years of our lives are spent outside, which is 20 days a year. How shocking is that? There is nothing better than sitting in the garden with the children with my toes in the grass.
Boy racer or Sunday driver?
Definitely Sunday driver. I hate when people drive fast round our lanes because it frightens the animals as well as being dangerous.
Mary Poppins or Cruella de Vil?
I like to think I’m Mary Poppins but the other morning my children wound me up to fever pitch and I was definitely Cruella.
Quantity or quality?
I have a few good friendships. I’ve known my best friend since we were eight and we go on holiday together.
Till you drop or avoid at all costs?
Avoid at all costs. I can’t justify the expense these days.
Alternative or aspirin?
Alternative mostly. I may have a Nurofen five times a year when my back gets really sore.
Minimal or cosy?
Cosy. I love having character in the house, we have the children’s paintings all around us. A friend came round recently and he sat down and kicked his shoes off. I thought: I’ve really achieved something here, a comfortable and relaxed environment.
Victim or setter?
I’m a bit of both but I’m sure I started the clog revival – I’ve been wearing those in the garden for years.
Jane Fonda or Jim Royle?
I have a bad back and so I’ve been going to a trainer for a couple of years. I like walking and being outside.
Manana or right now?
I’m a bit of both, I make lists and work my way through.
Intimate or big bash?
We’ve had big bashes at the house but ultimately I’m happiest with close friends.
Beach or piste?
We ski every year. The kids love it.
Gadget woman or technophobe?
I’m a technophobe at heart but luckily my husband is gadget man and got me into it. Now my computer is my best friend.